Saturday, August 11, 2007

Secrets Of MLM Success: How To Dramatically Increase Enrollments From One-On-One Presentations!

The biggest untold secret of your one-on-one presentation
is this:

"It's not what you say or how you say it… it's all about
what the prospect says."

A one-on-one presentation is not a performance. You are
not the important player at the table. Most of the time
your prospects are thinking about their own lives and how
they will work out. It's a huge ego blow I know… but they
don't really care about you… or your success or failure.

Your prospect wants to know the answer to this simple

"What's in it for me?"

The more your prospect talks about themselves, their
hopes, their fears, their dreams, the more chance you have
of enrolling them.

So here's the most important thing you do at a presentation:

"You ask your prospect questions about themselves!" You
interview them… and you listen!

If you have a road map to follow in the early minutes of
getting together with them, if you know exactly where
you're going with the interview, there won't be any
awkwardness to deal with. You won't be nervous… you'll be
professional and in control. You will run the meeting… not

So have your questions prepared in advance.

When you first sit down with your prospect remember it's
not about you, so give them just the bare minimum about
yourself. Something like:

"Hey, thanks for fitting me into your schedule. I know
you're busy. I'm really excited about what I'm going to
show you tonight/today. It's totally changing my financial

And then ask your first question!

Don't get nervous or impatient. Don't jump right into your
presentation here. You need to find out all about your
prospect first, so you know what parts of the presentation
to emphasize.

This is the meeting and greeting part of the presentation
and even if you're in the prospects home it's your
responsibility to put everyone at ease.

Asking questions and letting the prospect talk about
themselves is the best way to do this.

I have done thousands of presentations for all types of
sales businesses and I have found always, that once I get
the prospect to open up about themselves, their successes,
their hopes and dreams that I have made a new friend.

Rarely does a person get the chance to talk about
themselves to someone whose only interest is to listen
without interrupting. When you do this for someone you are
giving them a rare gift.

And remember: whoever asks the last question is in control
of the conversation, so always end a statement with a
question. That way you don't get caught in a corner by
questions you don't know how to answer… especially if
you've done a curiosity approach.

So if your prospect winds down after answering your
question you say: "Wow, that's, great. What did you do
next?" or whatever else is appropriate at the time.

This business is all about bonding. Once you've created a
friendship you're well on the way to trust.

One on one presentations are very powerful but we want to
incorporate all the tools we possibly can to achieve big
success in our MLM business. Often people who work in the
warm market neglect to harness the power of the internet.
Using the internet to generate leads can really up your game.
Would you like to learn how you can build your Network Marketing Business Online? Rejection Free!

I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".

You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "

Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

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