Friday, October 5, 2007

Online MLM Success -How to Drive Massive Traffic to your List!

So what exactly is massive traffic! What's massive and what's pathetic?

Let's talk about the background business you should be running alongside your MLM to generate your marketing budget… what we call the funded proposal. This is where you offer affiliate products and your own products to your list as well as promoting your MLM online with emails.

Click my link below and get my books if you want to learn more about this.

So what does it take to make money online?

If you only make 1 cent per visitor to your sales page per month then you'll need 100,000 visitors per month to generate $1000 in income

But if you can raise that to $1 dollar per visitor then it only takes 10,000 visitors per month. Don't let that frighten you… that's only 300 visitors per day which is very achievable as you grow your web presence.

What works best for you… 100,000 or 10,000?

Personally, I would rather make more per visitor than to have billions of visitors - of course, both would be nice - but if I had to make a choice (and I have) I would go for the quality.

I drive the bulk of my traffic to my web site using article marketing. Sure, it is harder work than buying cheap traffic - but it converts way better than any other traffic I get.

So go for the quality traffic. When the chips are down… quality will win out!

You see, with a quality lead, who really wants to read your emails; who comes to value your articles and really wants to learn from you… you will have a subscriber who will buy your product and join your team because you have demonstrated that you stand for quality.

If you would like to learn how you can build your MLM Business Online? Rejection Free! I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online MLM Business".

You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online MLM Business "

Plus there's a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Jim Keayes, Platinum Author

Online MLM Success-How To Use Blogs To Explode Your List!

If you want to build your MLM online then you need a list!

There are a number of ways to get a list and in my opinion we need to be making use of them all.

You can try:

Pay-per-click, Article Writing, Website SEO, Email, Chat Room Postings and Blogs etc.

Today, let's talk about "Blogging"… how will this help you with your list?

Many of the blogs, especially (powered by Google) carry high rankings in the search engines, and they are better candidates for getting good links than just picking any old web site out there.

What's the process to make a blog work?

What I do first is to write a lot of articles and post them to my blog at the same time as I'm posting to my Article Directories. Don't forget to attach your Resource Box or your visitors won't have a way to contact you.

The Search Engine spiders like to see lots of new content to make them happy with your site. They want your visitors to have a rewarding experience when they visit.

With enough articles posted on your blog the search engines will begin to bring you traffic.

The advantage of blogging is that there are no rules to comply with like the Article Directories so you can just make a 100 word post for a quick comment on something that strikes you, if you want.

If you Google "Blog Online MLM Success" without the quotes you'll find my blog if you want to have a look at what I do.

The next thing you want is to attract links from other bloggers. The spiders love inbound links too… but I must tell you I've not really done this aggressively… I tend to rely on the Article Directories for my traffic.

There are a number of ways to get links from blog masters at other blogs.

One way to do it is to simply write the blogs and ask them if they will link to your blog or squeeze page, in exchange for you linking to their blog. If you want traffic to your squeeze page you can set up a page on your web site where you link to other blogs, and put a link to their blog on that page. And remember… if you have your Resource Box on your Blog some of your visitors will visit your squeeze page anyway.

Or you can do this:

Respond to blog posts. Many bloggers will ask their visitors questions, and if you are much like me, usually you simply read other people's responses - but fail to leave one of your own.

However, in many cases, the bloggers will give you a live link to your web site if you will post a response.

Here's what you can do. Check to see that the other blog posts include live links to the posters' web site - then if they do, you can enter comment.

One of the real keys here is that it needs to be relevant, so make sure you are posting to blogs in your niche… you don't want to be a spammer.

If you would like to learn how you can build your MLM Business Online? Rejection Free! I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online MLM Business".

You can download it FREE here:

" The Perfect Online MLM Business "

Plus there's a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: " How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

Jim Keayes, Platinum Author

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Explode Your MLM Online--The Wave Of The Future--Don't Be Left Behind!

MySpace, Friendster, Facebook , U-tube…the wave of the future is social networking! It's taking over the traditional methods of web marketing and if you're not in the game you'll be left behind.

In the print space MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook are the front runners with MySpace way out in the lead. But friends tell me that Facebook is fast catching up.

And then we move on to U-Tube and that's another game altogether. Video is here and it's now easy and U-Tube is a presence all on its own and deserves a whole book so I won't try to cover it here. But it's fast carving a presence that we won't be able to ignore.

Personally I still rely heavily on article writing and publishing to generate visitors interested in my topic, but I'm branching out into these networking arenas.

Click my link below if you want to know how article writing can explode your business.

Social networking sites are still quite new and are a great place to promote your business but you need to do it in a professional way… after all, these sites are primarily about connecting with people and posting your profile, not for aggressively advertising your business via unsolicited messaging.

Lots of social network users are becoming wary of the practices of unscrupulous online business promotion, viewing it as the ultimate form of spam. They feel that the sanctity of their space is being invaded, just the way email has been.

If we want to make use of these sites to promote our own businesses then we need to find a way to get past this attitude. Acting responsibly is the answer.

Here are three things you can do:

1. Get Referrals:

Look for friends using these sites and ask them to refer you to their friends. If you come in via this door then you are much more welcome that if you bash the door down with spam.

2. Be willing to Go Slow:

Take your time. Gently ease yourself into the community, just like you would at a party where you are the stranger.

3. Put your best face on your Site:

Just like you would if you were showing up for a job interview… you'd dress appropriately and wear your best clothes.

Put a good quality picture on your profile. Nothing screams amateur like a poor quality, washed out, out of focus photo of you in your grungy clothes. If you can afford a professional shot then get one taken.

And do the best possible job you can on your template and layout presentation. The sites will offer some professional templates and if you can't afford a professional to set it up for you then take the time to learn how to do it yourself.

You will need more than the standard profile page if you hope to grab attention.

And don't overdo your business introduction.

4. Visit other people's sites and leave a greeting:

Connect with people with similar niches to yours and get yourself known… swap links by leaving comments on their sites and invite them to visit yours. Try to find groups that could become customers down the road.
Send them personal messages, thanking them for accepting you. Take note of their birthdays and send them birthday greetings… we all love to be recognized on our birthdays. Set up a tickler file to help you stay current with this. And just visit with them for the hell of it… you'll make a friend and somewhere down the line the business will flow.

This is pretty similar to the way you can establish your presence in Blogging or Chat sites. Over time you'll make your presence felt.

Once you attract an audience to your social networking site you will still need to get them onto your list. I can show you how to make that happen.

If you would like to learn how you can build your MLM Business Online? Rejection Free! I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online MLM Business".

You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online MLM Business "

Plus there's a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

Jim Keayes, Platinum Author