Well that's a ridiculous question to be asking. MLM
companies do billions of dollars a year in sales. Of course
it works!
I think the real question is: How does MLM compare to
other businesses and can "I" succeed at MLM?
Let me tell you a story:
I have spent over 30 years in the selling business.
When I first started I sold vacuum cleaners by
appointment…and I was successful at that where most of the
people were failing.
Why was I successful? Because I was desperate. I had no
choice but to succeed!
I had just arrived in Canada from Australia, didn't have a
job, the bank couldn't find my money, I had a wife and two
young children; I just didn't have a choice.
I pushed down my fear of rejection and soldiered on. And I
got over the fear and became successful.
From there I moved on to computer sales. Over the years I
have sold financial products, consumer products, major
engineering machinery, insurance, cars, used furniture and
appliances, personal development courses and of course MLM.
If you were to say I have a restless soul you'd be
perfectly correct.
But most of my time has been spent in one industry.
In all sales forces a few of the people make most of the
money…that's just how it is. And in my experience comparing
people of equal talent, it's the one who works the hardest,
who is driven to succeed, who comes out on top.
But MLM is different!
MLM is a business not a job. There's no employer here-no
quotas to meet, except those we impose on ourselves. No
expectations from the owner or the boss. If it's got to be
it's up to me!
In the early days, if I don't generate the activity then
nothing happens. If I don't move some product through my
organization either to customers or to other distributors,
then I don't make any money.
Most people aren't used to operating in this environment,
so often they find building their MLM business to be a
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Secrets of MLM Online Success: How do you make money in MLM and who gets ripped off?
Now there's a great question!
I know lots of people who like to take the victim role
that are totally convinced that anyone making big bucks is
ripping the little guy off.
So let's put that one to bed…in MLM the little guy is a
It's not that anyone is getting ripped off. It's the
simple fact that in all businesses a small handful of high
achievers make significantly more income than the average.
MLM is not a job where you're on a fixed salary and have
to beg for a raise, while the President is entrenched at
the top making the big income. In MLM everyone is the
President of their own business and they can write their
own income check…if they want to work for it.
You start in MLM the same place everyone else started and
from then on it's up to you. In the typical compensation
plan you can make some money selling the product at retail.
Often the retail price is quite prohibitive so you end up
selling at wholesale-customers like to feel they're getting
a deal--and you earn the distributors override on your
product sales. That override varies, but in my MLM company,
its 10% to 20% depending how my business is structured.
Many people like to start by setting up a network of
preferred retail customers, often around the world, who can
order and pay for their own products online. A series of
emails keeps you in touch and many of these customers find
customers of their own so they enroll as a distributor. And
so your business grows and your income grows via your 10%
to 20% override on sales.
It's a very efficient process, but by some this is
considered the slow way to start. But on the plus side the
income is typically all residual so it's a rock solid
Others, and possibly this is the majority, like to make
the override on the bigger sale of the starter packages, so
they begin with a program of recruitment and teach their
new associates to do the same.
Getting customers is often an overlooked segment of MLM,
where many associates focus on recruitment and personal
consumption only.
In my opinion if you want a rock solid business then you
want to do both; teach your team to make sure their monthly
qualifying volume is more than covered by retail sales.
That way they're always making some money and they don't
fall away. Besides, getting customers is a lot easier than
finding a willing candidate for sponsoring.
In a business built like this you truly can retire on your
residual income!
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
I know lots of people who like to take the victim role
that are totally convinced that anyone making big bucks is
ripping the little guy off.
So let's put that one to bed…in MLM the little guy is a
It's not that anyone is getting ripped off. It's the
simple fact that in all businesses a small handful of high
achievers make significantly more income than the average.
MLM is not a job where you're on a fixed salary and have
to beg for a raise, while the President is entrenched at
the top making the big income. In MLM everyone is the
President of their own business and they can write their
own income check…if they want to work for it.
You start in MLM the same place everyone else started and
from then on it's up to you. In the typical compensation
plan you can make some money selling the product at retail.
Often the retail price is quite prohibitive so you end up
selling at wholesale-customers like to feel they're getting
a deal--and you earn the distributors override on your
product sales. That override varies, but in my MLM company,
its 10% to 20% depending how my business is structured.
Many people like to start by setting up a network of
preferred retail customers, often around the world, who can
order and pay for their own products online. A series of
emails keeps you in touch and many of these customers find
customers of their own so they enroll as a distributor. And
so your business grows and your income grows via your 10%
to 20% override on sales.
It's a very efficient process, but by some this is
considered the slow way to start. But on the plus side the
income is typically all residual so it's a rock solid
Others, and possibly this is the majority, like to make
the override on the bigger sale of the starter packages, so
they begin with a program of recruitment and teach their
new associates to do the same.
Getting customers is often an overlooked segment of MLM,
where many associates focus on recruitment and personal
consumption only.
In my opinion if you want a rock solid business then you
want to do both; teach your team to make sure their monthly
qualifying volume is more than covered by retail sales.
That way they're always making some money and they don't
fall away. Besides, getting customers is a lot easier than
finding a willing candidate for sponsoring.
In a business built like this you truly can retire on your
residual income!
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Secrets of MLM Online Success: Does anyone make any money in MLM?
My first question: Compared to what?
How much time do you think the average MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Not very much…in fact maybe 2 hours a month and
most of that spent going to a seminar their sponsor drags
them to.
How much money do you think the average MLMer makes from
their business?
Same Answer: Not very much!
In fact it's probably mostly zero or negative. Lots of
MLMers hang on to doing their qualifying volume, because
they haven't totally given up on their dream…they want to
keep it alive...it's a little ray of hope on an otherwise
dark horizon and while they grumble at the cost they don't
want to totally let go.
Sound familiar?
How much time do you think the big earning MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Lots and lots of 12 hour days.
And how much do they make? Lots and lots…sometimes
millions of dollars a year.
Are they making all this money on the backs of all those
struggling small distributors? Not at all! The small
distributor isn't struggling…they generally aren't doing
How much time do you think the average realtor puts into
their business?
For those making the big bucks it's often 12 to 16 hour
days and usually 7 days a week.
But they all make big bucks…right?
Let's look at the Realtor profession for a moment:
In California there were over 500,000 registered realtors
in 2006 and they sold around 40,000 properties total in
June 2007. (This is a moving target so don't hold me to
those figures but they're in the ballpark). The average
property value was $480,000. So that's $19.2 billion in
total dollar sales in June. That's $38,400 per realtor on
which let's say they make 5% or $1920 per month each. But
that's just the average…some make more and some less.
The 2006 stats for realtors were these:
Of all the realtors registered in California, the average
income was $40,000 for the year. And of those 500,000
realtors, 50% of them, that's 250,000, earned less than
$15,000 in 2006.
Now some of them were stay at home mum's or retired people
who kept their licenses alive but didn't make any sales at
all, and a handful of others earned over $1 million for the
year…but still a pretty tough racket.
The realtors who make the big bucks work very hard, very
long hours and they deserve the rewards. But lots and lots
of realtors barely get by…particularly in falling markets.
Looks a lot like MLM doesn't it? Those who work make the
big bucks!
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
How much time do you think the average MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Not very much…in fact maybe 2 hours a month and
most of that spent going to a seminar their sponsor drags
them to.
How much money do you think the average MLMer makes from
their business?
Same Answer: Not very much!
In fact it's probably mostly zero or negative. Lots of
MLMers hang on to doing their qualifying volume, because
they haven't totally given up on their dream…they want to
keep it alive...it's a little ray of hope on an otherwise
dark horizon and while they grumble at the cost they don't
want to totally let go.
Sound familiar?
How much time do you think the big earning MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Lots and lots of 12 hour days.
And how much do they make? Lots and lots…sometimes
millions of dollars a year.
Are they making all this money on the backs of all those
struggling small distributors? Not at all! The small
distributor isn't struggling…they generally aren't doing
How much time do you think the average realtor puts into
their business?
For those making the big bucks it's often 12 to 16 hour
days and usually 7 days a week.
But they all make big bucks…right?
Let's look at the Realtor profession for a moment:
In California there were over 500,000 registered realtors
in 2006 and they sold around 40,000 properties total in
June 2007. (This is a moving target so don't hold me to
those figures but they're in the ballpark). The average
property value was $480,000. So that's $19.2 billion in
total dollar sales in June. That's $38,400 per realtor on
which let's say they make 5% or $1920 per month each. But
that's just the average…some make more and some less.
The 2006 stats for realtors were these:
Of all the realtors registered in California, the average
income was $40,000 for the year. And of those 500,000
realtors, 50% of them, that's 250,000, earned less than
$15,000 in 2006.
Now some of them were stay at home mum's or retired people
who kept their licenses alive but didn't make any sales at
all, and a handful of others earned over $1 million for the
year…but still a pretty tough racket.
The realtors who make the big bucks work very hard, very
long hours and they deserve the rewards. But lots and lots
of realtors barely get by…particularly in falling markets.
Looks a lot like MLM doesn't it? Those who work make the
big bucks!
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Secrets of MLM Online Success: How does MLM compare with other businesses?
Let's look at that!
In a business or a corporation there's the owner or the
President. The owner is there for life or until they sell
their business, so you ain't getting that job unless you
buy them out. And typically the President is in office for
a long time too…often as much as 25 years or more. It
generally doesn't matter how much talent you have, if the
President has enough pull with the board you can't have his
job either.
And the VP's tend to have just as much longevity too.
They're hanging around waiting for the Pres. to either
retire or croak. I bet there's lots of VP's go to bed at
night hoping for a Presidential heart attack to sweep them
into power in the morning.
So let's do the math: in a company of say 60,000 employees
there's one President who stays in power for 10 or 20
years…not very good odds, huh?
So in despair you decide to start your own business. If
you have a million bucks you can start a McDonald's…but how
boring is that. You've just traded a million bucks and a
job with a salary, for a 24/7 noose around your neck and no
real guarantee of success other than the history of the
franchise to generate income. The buck stops with you and
you're motivated to not lose your investment-most of which
is owed to the bank anyhow.
Or you start something smaller with a more affordable
investment…maybe $50,000 to $100,000. Statistics point to
the fact that 90% of startup business fail within 5
years…half of them in the first year; mostly because of
lack of money, knowledge, discipline or motivation. You
blow your investment. Not a great statistic.
Which brings us to MLM!
You come in and you generally invest something in the
order of a couple of hundred to maybe two thousand dollars.
Typically you have no experience in business, no experience
at working for yourself, no experience at working with
people and no idea of what to do.
If your company or sponsor has a strong training program
you have a chance. But usually they tell you to make a list
of family and friends and invite them to a meeting.
You're too impatient to wait for your sponsor, you drive
over and invite them, they put you down, you hate the
rejection and that's it for you!
Game over before you get started!
There's an easier way…
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
In a business or a corporation there's the owner or the
President. The owner is there for life or until they sell
their business, so you ain't getting that job unless you
buy them out. And typically the President is in office for
a long time too…often as much as 25 years or more. It
generally doesn't matter how much talent you have, if the
President has enough pull with the board you can't have his
job either.
And the VP's tend to have just as much longevity too.
They're hanging around waiting for the Pres. to either
retire or croak. I bet there's lots of VP's go to bed at
night hoping for a Presidential heart attack to sweep them
into power in the morning.
So let's do the math: in a company of say 60,000 employees
there's one President who stays in power for 10 or 20
years…not very good odds, huh?
So in despair you decide to start your own business. If
you have a million bucks you can start a McDonald's…but how
boring is that. You've just traded a million bucks and a
job with a salary, for a 24/7 noose around your neck and no
real guarantee of success other than the history of the
franchise to generate income. The buck stops with you and
you're motivated to not lose your investment-most of which
is owed to the bank anyhow.
Or you start something smaller with a more affordable
investment…maybe $50,000 to $100,000. Statistics point to
the fact that 90% of startup business fail within 5
years…half of them in the first year; mostly because of
lack of money, knowledge, discipline or motivation. You
blow your investment. Not a great statistic.
Which brings us to MLM!
You come in and you generally invest something in the
order of a couple of hundred to maybe two thousand dollars.
Typically you have no experience in business, no experience
at working for yourself, no experience at working with
people and no idea of what to do.
If your company or sponsor has a strong training program
you have a chance. But usually they tell you to make a list
of family and friends and invite them to a meeting.
You're too impatient to wait for your sponsor, you drive
over and invite them, they put you down, you hate the
rejection and that's it for you!
Game over before you get started!
There's an easier way…
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Secrets of MLM Online Success: How does MLM Compare with Real Estate?
How much time do you think the average MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Not very much…in fact maybe 2 hours a month and
most of that spent going to a seminar their sponsor drags
them to.
How much money do you think the average MLMer makes from
their business?
Same Answer: Not very much!
In fact it's probably mostly zero or negative. Lots of
MLMers hang on to doing their qualifying volume, because
they haven't totally given up on their dream…they want to
keep it alive...it's a little ray of hope on an otherwise
dark horizon and while they grumble at the cost they don't
want to totally let go.
Sound familiar?
How much time do you think the big earning MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Lots and lots of 12 hour days.
And how much do they make? Lots and lots…sometimes
millions of dollars a year.
Are they making all this money on the backs of all those
struggling small distributors? Not at all! The small
distributor isn't struggling…they generally aren't doing
How much time do you think the average realtor puts into
their business?
For those making the big bucks it's often 12 to 16 hour
days and usually 7 days a week.
But they all make big bucks…right?
Let's look at the Realtor profession for a moment:
In California there were over 500,000 registered realtors
in 2006 and they sold around 40,000 properties total in
June 2007. (This is a moving target so don't hold me to
those figures but they're in the ballpark). The average
property value was $480,000. So that's $19.2 billion in
total dollar sales in June. That's $38,400 per realtor on
which let's say they make 5% or $1920 per month each. But
that's just the average…some make more and some less.
The 2006 stats for realtors were these:
Of all the realtors registered in California, the average
income was $40,000 for the year. And of those 500,000
realtors, 50% of them, that's 250,000, earned less than
$15,000 in 2006.
Now some of them were stay at home mum's or retired people
who kept their licenses alive but didn't make any sales at
all, and a handful of others earned over $1 million for the
year…but still a pretty tough racket.
The realtors who make the big bucks work very hard, very
long hours and they deserve the rewards. But lots and lots
of realtors barely get by…particularly in falling markets.
Looks a lot like MLM doesn't it? Those who work make the
big bucks!
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
their business?
Answer: Not very much…in fact maybe 2 hours a month and
most of that spent going to a seminar their sponsor drags
them to.
How much money do you think the average MLMer makes from
their business?
Same Answer: Not very much!
In fact it's probably mostly zero or negative. Lots of
MLMers hang on to doing their qualifying volume, because
they haven't totally given up on their dream…they want to
keep it alive...it's a little ray of hope on an otherwise
dark horizon and while they grumble at the cost they don't
want to totally let go.
Sound familiar?
How much time do you think the big earning MLMer puts into
their business?
Answer: Lots and lots of 12 hour days.
And how much do they make? Lots and lots…sometimes
millions of dollars a year.
Are they making all this money on the backs of all those
struggling small distributors? Not at all! The small
distributor isn't struggling…they generally aren't doing
How much time do you think the average realtor puts into
their business?
For those making the big bucks it's often 12 to 16 hour
days and usually 7 days a week.
But they all make big bucks…right?
Let's look at the Realtor profession for a moment:
In California there were over 500,000 registered realtors
in 2006 and they sold around 40,000 properties total in
June 2007. (This is a moving target so don't hold me to
those figures but they're in the ballpark). The average
property value was $480,000. So that's $19.2 billion in
total dollar sales in June. That's $38,400 per realtor on
which let's say they make 5% or $1920 per month each. But
that's just the average…some make more and some less.
The 2006 stats for realtors were these:
Of all the realtors registered in California, the average
income was $40,000 for the year. And of those 500,000
realtors, 50% of them, that's 250,000, earned less than
$15,000 in 2006.
Now some of them were stay at home mum's or retired people
who kept their licenses alive but didn't make any sales at
all, and a handful of others earned over $1 million for the
year…but still a pretty tough racket.
The realtors who make the big bucks work very hard, very
long hours and they deserve the rewards. But lots and lots
of realtors barely get by…particularly in falling markets.
Looks a lot like MLM doesn't it? Those who work make the
big bucks!
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Secrets of MLM Online Success: How to get Rock Solid Motivation!
Well that's an easy one!
Until you know what you want to gain from your MLM
business, why you're doing it and what you're willing to
give up to make it happen, then you ain't goin' nowhere!
There's incredible power in a goal that you can truly
embrace! It will take you over and drive you on.
You'll never have to look for motivation again…it will
always be there.
Forget those dream boards and all that hoopla. Maybe they
work but I think they end up just being
transitory…frivolous stuff you think you want and put on
the fridge to keep your sponsor happy.
Your real "why" that will truly motivate you isn't just an
exciting or exotic goal, something it would be "nice to
have or to achieve". Oh, no! To truly be an effective
motivator your goal has to be gut-level-the total essence
of your being. Your soul must demand that you have it. You
know it's there but it's been hiding from you. Often
because you don't truly believe you can have it.
You see, once you know what you really truly want,
everything is possible!
Stumbling blocks become stepping stones. You work, you
fail, you re-design and you move forward again.
Don't waste your effort on somebody else's goal. Make sure
it's truly something that "you" want…totally without
Say my wife would like the big new house, but I'd really
prefer the freedom that would come from having the income
generated from investing the money or maybe a boat. She
convinces me that the house would be great and I begin to
work toward this goal. Pretty soon an obstacle arises and I
give up.
Why did I give up?
That's easy! It wasn't my goal. I didn't really care about
a new house and my wife doesn't really care about the boat
I want. Goals are totally personal.
Often the goal is quite small; something that is
meaningless to others but incredibly important to you.
I remember a time when all I wanted was an extra $500
dollars a month so I could quit my second job which I
hated. Doesn't sound like much but it was enough to get me
started and keep me in the game.
Once I knew exactly what I wanted it was easy to put
together a plan to get it.
I knew what I wanted, why I wanted it and what I was
willing to give up to get it.
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Until you know what you want to gain from your MLM
business, why you're doing it and what you're willing to
give up to make it happen, then you ain't goin' nowhere!
There's incredible power in a goal that you can truly
embrace! It will take you over and drive you on.
You'll never have to look for motivation again…it will
always be there.
Forget those dream boards and all that hoopla. Maybe they
work but I think they end up just being
transitory…frivolous stuff you think you want and put on
the fridge to keep your sponsor happy.
Your real "why" that will truly motivate you isn't just an
exciting or exotic goal, something it would be "nice to
have or to achieve". Oh, no! To truly be an effective
motivator your goal has to be gut-level-the total essence
of your being. Your soul must demand that you have it. You
know it's there but it's been hiding from you. Often
because you don't truly believe you can have it.
You see, once you know what you really truly want,
everything is possible!
Stumbling blocks become stepping stones. You work, you
fail, you re-design and you move forward again.
Don't waste your effort on somebody else's goal. Make sure
it's truly something that "you" want…totally without
Say my wife would like the big new house, but I'd really
prefer the freedom that would come from having the income
generated from investing the money or maybe a boat. She
convinces me that the house would be great and I begin to
work toward this goal. Pretty soon an obstacle arises and I
give up.
Why did I give up?
That's easy! It wasn't my goal. I didn't really care about
a new house and my wife doesn't really care about the boat
I want. Goals are totally personal.
Often the goal is quite small; something that is
meaningless to others but incredibly important to you.
I remember a time when all I wanted was an extra $500
dollars a month so I could quit my second job which I
hated. Doesn't sound like much but it was enough to get me
started and keep me in the game.
Once I knew exactly what I wanted it was easy to put
together a plan to get it.
I knew what I wanted, why I wanted it and what I was
willing to give up to get it.
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
must be your goal,
what you want,
what you'll give up,
your why
Secrets of MLM Online Success: Is MLM a Real Business
I guess we start by considering what is a real business?
How would "you" define one?
Don't you think that if MLM was bogus that they wouldn't
be doing billions of dollars a year in sales?
And what about the claim that it's only the distributors
who are buying the product to keep their businesses active?
Well lots of distributors may be buying and using the
product, but mostly it's not to keep their businesses
Why is that?
Because most distributors don't have a business to speak
The average distributor sponsors 2.7 people into their
business in their lifetime. But that average is pushed up
by the active sponsors who enroll tens and even hundreds of
associates personally.
The fact is that most people who enter an MLM business
don't sponsor anyone. They ask two people to join, get
rejected, don't like it (and who can blame them; there is a
better way) and they stop trying. But lots of these
distributors joined the business because they saw a
personal benefit from the product. So they don't drop
out…they continue to use the product for years on end even
when there's no financial reward. Why is that? Because
they feel that the product is value at the price.
I certainly have had amazing benefits from the high
quality products distributed by MLM companies.
In my MLM business we do a lot of business around the
world with people who are just customers. (That's the
benefit of the internet and direct to consumer shipping).
They got involved to use the product, they find it's
beneficial to their health and they continue to use it for
years. Sure we sign some of them up as distributors on the
basis that they may tell someone of the benefits they are
getting from the product and actually stumble into building
a business that allows them to get their product for free;
but basically they are customers…and as distributors they
can buy at preferred prices.
A big chunk of our income comes from registered customers
who sign in to their account and order their own product.
No one is cajoling or "selling" them.
If an MLM company is successful then the customers think
the product represents real value. It does something for
them that they haven't found elsewhere.
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
How would "you" define one?
Don't you think that if MLM was bogus that they wouldn't
be doing billions of dollars a year in sales?
And what about the claim that it's only the distributors
who are buying the product to keep their businesses active?
Well lots of distributors may be buying and using the
product, but mostly it's not to keep their businesses
Why is that?
Because most distributors don't have a business to speak
The average distributor sponsors 2.7 people into their
business in their lifetime. But that average is pushed up
by the active sponsors who enroll tens and even hundreds of
associates personally.
The fact is that most people who enter an MLM business
don't sponsor anyone. They ask two people to join, get
rejected, don't like it (and who can blame them; there is a
better way) and they stop trying. But lots of these
distributors joined the business because they saw a
personal benefit from the product. So they don't drop
out…they continue to use the product for years on end even
when there's no financial reward. Why is that? Because
they feel that the product is value at the price.
I certainly have had amazing benefits from the high
quality products distributed by MLM companies.
In my MLM business we do a lot of business around the
world with people who are just customers. (That's the
benefit of the internet and direct to consumer shipping).
They got involved to use the product, they find it's
beneficial to their health and they continue to use it for
years. Sure we sign some of them up as distributors on the
basis that they may tell someone of the benefits they are
getting from the product and actually stumble into building
a business that allows them to get their product for free;
but basically they are customers…and as distributors they
can buy at preferred prices.
A big chunk of our income comes from registered customers
who sign in to their account and order their own product.
No one is cajoling or "selling" them.
If an MLM company is successful then the customers think
the product represents real value. It does something for
them that they haven't found elsewhere.
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
billions of dollars,
real business,
Secrets of MLM Online Success: Is MLM Legit?
What exactly is MLM?
Let's start by looking at that!
First off…MLM is a real business!
I know we hear lots of detractors telling us that it's not
a real business but truly it is. A real viable product is
moved from the manufacturer to the end consumer by an
efficient mechanism. These days the product is usually
shipped direct from the factory to the end user by mail or
Billions of dollars worth of product gets shipped every
So does MLM really work? I think those billions speak loud
and clear…of course it works!
So that's my first point: Billions of dollars of product
get moved into the market place every year.
By contrast in a pyramid scheme, nothing of value is
shipped. A pyramid is our best example of "the greater fool
theory"…greed run rampant; people looking for a quick
financial fix without doing any work. As long as you can
find some gullible person to buy in, you get your money
back…otherwise you have no recourse. Well…maybe a really
good friend will refund your money but you're probably too
embarrassed to ask.
The next thing I hear all the time is this: "the products
are over priced".
Well my answer to that is: "Compared to what?" Lexus and
Porsche cost five or six times what you can get a Chevy
Nova for but I don't hear anyone saying they're over
priced. In fact most people dream of being able to afford
one. They see the value!
Typically, a manufacturer chooses to market their product
via an MLM sales model because the product is usually super
high quality. They refuse to compromise on producing the
best product they can. So typically the price is higher
than run of the mill substitutes.
Products like this can't be sold off the shelf in a
supermarket. It needs an informed distributor to convey the
value to the potential customer.If an MLM company has gone
the distance for a few years, their product has found
acceptance in the marketplace. Acceptance means the end
user has found an ongoing benefit from the product.
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Let's start by looking at that!
First off…MLM is a real business!
I know we hear lots of detractors telling us that it's not
a real business but truly it is. A real viable product is
moved from the manufacturer to the end consumer by an
efficient mechanism. These days the product is usually
shipped direct from the factory to the end user by mail or
Billions of dollars worth of product gets shipped every
So does MLM really work? I think those billions speak loud
and clear…of course it works!
So that's my first point: Billions of dollars of product
get moved into the market place every year.
By contrast in a pyramid scheme, nothing of value is
shipped. A pyramid is our best example of "the greater fool
theory"…greed run rampant; people looking for a quick
financial fix without doing any work. As long as you can
find some gullible person to buy in, you get your money
back…otherwise you have no recourse. Well…maybe a really
good friend will refund your money but you're probably too
embarrassed to ask.
The next thing I hear all the time is this: "the products
are over priced".
Well my answer to that is: "Compared to what?" Lexus and
Porsche cost five or six times what you can get a Chevy
Nova for but I don't hear anyone saying they're over
priced. In fact most people dream of being able to afford
one. They see the value!
Typically, a manufacturer chooses to market their product
via an MLM sales model because the product is usually super
high quality. They refuse to compromise on producing the
best product they can. So typically the price is higher
than run of the mill substitutes.
Products like this can't be sold off the shelf in a
supermarket. It needs an informed distributor to convey the
value to the potential customer.If an MLM company has gone
the distance for a few years, their product has found
acceptance in the marketplace. Acceptance means the end
user has found an ongoing benefit from the product.
Would you like to learn how to build your Network Marketing Business Online?
I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online Network Marketing Business "
Plus there’s a goldmine of information in my other FREE book: "How To Use The Secret Magic Of Article Writing To Start And Run A Successful Online Business".
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and MLM Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Critical Steps to Online Success-The Absolute Best Way to Build Your List!
The most Critical Step to online success is to build your
list. Long term this will pay you more than anything else
you may do.
Why is that?
Because it's yours! You built it, you own it and if you
treat your clients well they will stay with you forever.
Article Marketing is without doubt the absolute best way
to build your list.
Have you tried it but find you're not having any success?
Are your articles not getting opened?
Do you want to know how to get your articles read and how
to get click thrus from readers?
Well there's a knack to it!
It's all in how you set up your article! Once you start
doing it right those click thrus will really start to click!
Here's what you do…
1. You must have a great title:
Getting your articles opened is all about the title. A
great title will grab your visitor's attention and they'll
click your article to see what's inside. A great title
grabs their interest-it tells the reader what they can
learn in the article, and it also arouses curiosity.
So what is a great title?
Great titles have clarity and directness. They stand up
and yell "action". They don't waffle around. They ask a
question…they promise a great outcome…they make a call to
action. They say: "Open "me" and your problems will be
Visit a few of the article directories and look at their
"most read articles" page. There's a striking difference in
the directness and clarity of these titles versus articles
in general.
2. You must have a great opening paragraph:
Your first sentence or set of sentences must be just as
powerful as your title. You can't afford to disappoint your
reader. Tell them what they're going to get from your
article and why this will be a benefit to them.
If you don't do this your reader will feel let down…you
haven't provided what you promised… they'll click away and
look somewhere else.
3. You must continue to hold your readers' attention:
After the promise of the title and the opening paragraph
you must continue to hold your readers' attention. You must
now fulfill their expectations. Your information must be
concise, informative and to the point.
Give your reader useful information; information that can
be immediately put into action. Your purpose is wherever
possible to provide information that will make a positive
change in your readers life. You don't need to teach them
everything about the topic… that's probably a life times
work. One article of a few hundred words can't accomplish
But, whatever you write…make it count. Don't just throw up
an article to get another one in the mill. People will come
to expect quality if that's what you provide and they'll
continue to look for your articles and be excited to read
4. Place a compelling call to action in your bio:
At the end of the article you must place a compelling call
to action. You can also refer them to your link from the
body of your article; something like: "for more info click
my link below".
Don't just put your name and accomplishments and a link
in your bio… include a call to action. Tell the reader to
click through to your site for more information on the
topic. Tell them the benefits they can receive from your
site. Then add the link to your site. After that, put
your bio information--and your link again, or another if
you have two sites or two interesting pages.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
list. Long term this will pay you more than anything else
you may do.
Why is that?
Because it's yours! You built it, you own it and if you
treat your clients well they will stay with you forever.
Article Marketing is without doubt the absolute best way
to build your list.
Have you tried it but find you're not having any success?
Are your articles not getting opened?
Do you want to know how to get your articles read and how
to get click thrus from readers?
Well there's a knack to it!
It's all in how you set up your article! Once you start
doing it right those click thrus will really start to click!
Here's what you do…
1. You must have a great title:
Getting your articles opened is all about the title. A
great title will grab your visitor's attention and they'll
click your article to see what's inside. A great title
grabs their interest-it tells the reader what they can
learn in the article, and it also arouses curiosity.
So what is a great title?
Great titles have clarity and directness. They stand up
and yell "action". They don't waffle around. They ask a
question…they promise a great outcome…they make a call to
action. They say: "Open "me" and your problems will be
Visit a few of the article directories and look at their
"most read articles" page. There's a striking difference in
the directness and clarity of these titles versus articles
in general.
2. You must have a great opening paragraph:
Your first sentence or set of sentences must be just as
powerful as your title. You can't afford to disappoint your
reader. Tell them what they're going to get from your
article and why this will be a benefit to them.
If you don't do this your reader will feel let down…you
haven't provided what you promised… they'll click away and
look somewhere else.
3. You must continue to hold your readers' attention:
After the promise of the title and the opening paragraph
you must continue to hold your readers' attention. You must
now fulfill their expectations. Your information must be
concise, informative and to the point.
Give your reader useful information; information that can
be immediately put into action. Your purpose is wherever
possible to provide information that will make a positive
change in your readers life. You don't need to teach them
everything about the topic… that's probably a life times
work. One article of a few hundred words can't accomplish
But, whatever you write…make it count. Don't just throw up
an article to get another one in the mill. People will come
to expect quality if that's what you provide and they'll
continue to look for your articles and be excited to read
4. Place a compelling call to action in your bio:
At the end of the article you must place a compelling call
to action. You can also refer them to your link from the
body of your article; something like: "for more info click
my link below".
Don't just put your name and accomplishments and a link
in your bio… include a call to action. Tell the reader to
click through to your site for more information on the
topic. Tell them the benefits they can receive from your
site. Then add the link to your site. After that, put
your bio information--and your link again, or another if
you have two sites or two interesting pages.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Critical Steps to Online Success - Want More Traffic At Your Website?
You know my thinking on this: If you do nothing else each
day, you must move forward on building your list-it's your
most Critical Step in the marketing chain.
And getting more traffic to your opt-in page is the way to
speed it up.
And by now you know that I believe article marketing is
the best way to make this happen.
Maybe you've tried article marketing, your articles
getting opened, but you're not getting click thrus to your
squeeze page?
Let's see what we can do to fix that…
First the good news: "you're doing something right"; you
must be writing titles that are attracting traffic to your
article or you wouldn't have any readers.
One reason that you aren't getting clicks on your link
might be that the reader isn't getting that far. You could
be losing them in the first couple of paragraphs.
Your first sentence or set of sentences must be almost as
powerful as your title. You can't afford to disappoint your
reader. Tell them what they're going to get from your
article and why this will be a benefit to them.
If you don't do this your reader will feel let down…you
haven't provided what you promised… they'll click away and
look somewhere else.
There's an old army adage that goes like this:
"Tell them what you're going to tell them; tell it to
them; then recap and tell them what you told them."
If you adopt this formula you'll have great success with
your article writing…but remember to keep the recap
short…maybe just one sentence or a short paragraph.
Let's say this is your title:
"Want to take Great Photographs? Is your camera letting
you down? Here's how to test it…"
You might start your article something like this:
Are you not very happy with how your photo shots are
coming out lately?
Would you like some help?
I have found that in all endeavors the best tools bring
the best results.
It just might be that your camera is falling down on the
Here's a way to test your camera to find out if it really
is the culprit:
***Now you add some info on how to do this***
Then quickly you wrap it up:
If these tests indicate your camera is at fault you can
take steps to upgrade. Otherwise you need to look further.
Click my link below for more information.
See how we followed the formula here?
We introduced the topic in a way that created interest in
the solution, we gave the solution and we wrapped it up.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
day, you must move forward on building your list-it's your
most Critical Step in the marketing chain.
And getting more traffic to your opt-in page is the way to
speed it up.
And by now you know that I believe article marketing is
the best way to make this happen.
Maybe you've tried article marketing, your articles
getting opened, but you're not getting click thrus to your
squeeze page?
Let's see what we can do to fix that…
First the good news: "you're doing something right"; you
must be writing titles that are attracting traffic to your
article or you wouldn't have any readers.
One reason that you aren't getting clicks on your link
might be that the reader isn't getting that far. You could
be losing them in the first couple of paragraphs.
Your first sentence or set of sentences must be almost as
powerful as your title. You can't afford to disappoint your
reader. Tell them what they're going to get from your
article and why this will be a benefit to them.
If you don't do this your reader will feel let down…you
haven't provided what you promised… they'll click away and
look somewhere else.
There's an old army adage that goes like this:
"Tell them what you're going to tell them; tell it to
them; then recap and tell them what you told them."
If you adopt this formula you'll have great success with
your article writing…but remember to keep the recap
short…maybe just one sentence or a short paragraph.
Let's say this is your title:
"Want to take Great Photographs? Is your camera letting
you down? Here's how to test it…"
You might start your article something like this:
Are you not very happy with how your photo shots are
coming out lately?
Would you like some help?
I have found that in all endeavors the best tools bring
the best results.
It just might be that your camera is falling down on the
Here's a way to test your camera to find out if it really
is the culprit:
***Now you add some info on how to do this***
Then quickly you wrap it up:
If these tests indicate your camera is at fault you can
take steps to upgrade. Otherwise you need to look further.
Click my link below for more information.
See how we followed the formula here?
We introduced the topic in a way that created interest in
the solution, we gave the solution and we wrapped it up.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
article writing,
call to action,
click thrus throughs,
Critical steps,
opening para,
Critical Steps To Online Success--Do You Need Help Building Your List?
Have you been trying to build your list, but it's just not
Have you tried article writing but that didn't work either?
Are your articles getting opened, but you're not getting
click thrus to your squeeze page?
There could be a number of reasons for this.
If your articles are getting opened then your title must
be OK.
The next critical step is to have 2 or 3 short strong
opening sentences or paragraphs…I've covered how to do this
in an earlier article…you can probably find it if you
search my name in the index.
If you've done both those things and you're still not
getting many click thrus then you are losing them in the
body…the "information segment" of your article.
After the promise of the title and the opening paragraph
you must continue to hold your readers' attention. You must
now fulfill their expectations. Your information must be
concise, informative and to the point.
Give your reader information that will be useful to them;
information that can be immediately put into action. Your
purpose is wherever possible to provide information that
will make a positive change in your reader's life.
But, whatever you write…make it count!
This is a performance you are staging…your reader is your
Have you ever been to a comedy show where the comic
started to lose the audience? Often good manners will keep
them in their seats for awhile but eventually if it gets
bad enough they will leave.
You don't have the saving grace of good manners to keep
your audience reading your article. If you're not
delivering the goods in an interesting, informative and
professional manner they will click away and look elsewhere.
If you think this might be an issue for you then perhaps
you need to take some writing lessons?
Meantime, here are a few ideas that might help:
Create a plan for your article: opening, body, closing. A
length of 300 to 500 words is a good size article.
Then set out 3 or 4 main points that you wish to cover in
the body of your article, organize them into an order that
lets the ideas flow, and devote a segment or paragraph to
Use numbered points if appropriate.
Break up your paragraphs-keep them short.
People don't like reading text in big blocks; it's hard to
keep your place. So make sure there's lots of white space.
I like to use semi-colons, dashes and 3 dots to allow me to
make a series of short strong statements rather than a long
run-on sentence.
Vary your sentence lengths…short, medium and long.
Make statements and let them stand out as a single line.
Don't repeat words in close proximity to each other.
And finally: "write in haste and correct at leisure". If
the ideas are flowing just get them down fast. You can
easily come back and clean it up later.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Have you tried article writing but that didn't work either?
Are your articles getting opened, but you're not getting
click thrus to your squeeze page?
There could be a number of reasons for this.
If your articles are getting opened then your title must
be OK.
The next critical step is to have 2 or 3 short strong
opening sentences or paragraphs…I've covered how to do this
in an earlier article…you can probably find it if you
search my name in the index.
If you've done both those things and you're still not
getting many click thrus then you are losing them in the
body…the "information segment" of your article.
After the promise of the title and the opening paragraph
you must continue to hold your readers' attention. You must
now fulfill their expectations. Your information must be
concise, informative and to the point.
Give your reader information that will be useful to them;
information that can be immediately put into action. Your
purpose is wherever possible to provide information that
will make a positive change in your reader's life.
But, whatever you write…make it count!
This is a performance you are staging…your reader is your
Have you ever been to a comedy show where the comic
started to lose the audience? Often good manners will keep
them in their seats for awhile but eventually if it gets
bad enough they will leave.
You don't have the saving grace of good manners to keep
your audience reading your article. If you're not
delivering the goods in an interesting, informative and
professional manner they will click away and look elsewhere.
If you think this might be an issue for you then perhaps
you need to take some writing lessons?
Meantime, here are a few ideas that might help:
Create a plan for your article: opening, body, closing. A
length of 300 to 500 words is a good size article.
Then set out 3 or 4 main points that you wish to cover in
the body of your article, organize them into an order that
lets the ideas flow, and devote a segment or paragraph to
Use numbered points if appropriate.
Break up your paragraphs-keep them short.
People don't like reading text in big blocks; it's hard to
keep your place. So make sure there's lots of white space.
I like to use semi-colons, dashes and 3 dots to allow me to
make a series of short strong statements rather than a long
run-on sentence.
Vary your sentence lengths…short, medium and long.
Make statements and let them stand out as a single line.
Don't repeat words in close proximity to each other.
And finally: "write in haste and correct at leisure". If
the ideas are flowing just get them down fast. You can
easily come back and clean it up later.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
Critical Steps to Online Success-How to Speed Up Your List Building.
Building your list is the most Critical Step on the road
to online success and there's no better way than article
marketing to make this happen.
If you've been working at article marketing but not
getting much success then here's the most important thing
to do.
Start creating powerful titles for your articles!
The title is all you've got to make a first
impression…it's your advertisement. You must make it work
for you! There's so much competition for a web searcher's
attention in the search engines today. Your article title
must stand out from the crowd.
It must reach out and grab the web searcher and say loudly:
"Read Me! I can help you!"
Without an attention grabbing title your articles will be
lost in the herd!
Visitors who read articles are looking for specific
information; a solution to a problem. Your title must tell
them how you can help.
Here's what a truly great title is all about!
"Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Young family slain by
crazed gorilla!"
Does that get your attention? Of course it does! And if we
can find a place where such an exuberant title is
appropriate that's exactly what we should use.
You don't really need to be quite as brazen as that…but
you get the idea.
Make it powerful!
As I wrote in an earlier article:
"Great titles have clarity and directness. They stand up
and yell "action". They don't waffle around. They ask a
question…they promise a great outcome…they make a call to
action. They say: "Open "me" and your problems will be
Here's an example:
"How to take Great Photographs: You must have a great
camera! Which one should you buy…?"
This title tells the reader right up front: "This article
will be about how to take great photographs". Anyone
looking for information on Dog Grooming knows that this
article isn't for them-but photographers will take notice
even if they were searching for something else. It goes on
to tell you that great photos need to start with a great
camera and then it promises to show you how to buy one.
The reader is left in no doubt as to what they will find
Compare this with:
"If you're finding your photos aren't very good you might
consider buying a better camera".
You see the difference?
The first one reaches out and announces itself…you
immediately know what to expect. This is an article on
"Taking Great Photos".
The second one tells the same story but it waffles and the
story is buried; you're three-quarters of the way along the
first line before you find out what it's about.
If you follow just this one principle you find a great
improvement in the traffic to your articles.
Visit a few of the article directories and look at their
"most read articles" page for some more ideas. There's a
striking difference in the directness and clarity of these
titles versus articles in general.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
to online success and there's no better way than article
marketing to make this happen.
If you've been working at article marketing but not
getting much success then here's the most important thing
to do.
Start creating powerful titles for your articles!
The title is all you've got to make a first
impression…it's your advertisement. You must make it work
for you! There's so much competition for a web searcher's
attention in the search engines today. Your article title
must stand out from the crowd.
It must reach out and grab the web searcher and say loudly:
"Read Me! I can help you!"
Without an attention grabbing title your articles will be
lost in the herd!
Visitors who read articles are looking for specific
information; a solution to a problem. Your title must tell
them how you can help.
Here's what a truly great title is all about!
"Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Young family slain by
crazed gorilla!"
Does that get your attention? Of course it does! And if we
can find a place where such an exuberant title is
appropriate that's exactly what we should use.
You don't really need to be quite as brazen as that…but
you get the idea.
Make it powerful!
As I wrote in an earlier article:
"Great titles have clarity and directness. They stand up
and yell "action". They don't waffle around. They ask a
question…they promise a great outcome…they make a call to
action. They say: "Open "me" and your problems will be
Here's an example:
"How to take Great Photographs: You must have a great
camera! Which one should you buy…?"
This title tells the reader right up front: "This article
will be about how to take great photographs". Anyone
looking for information on Dog Grooming knows that this
article isn't for them-but photographers will take notice
even if they were searching for something else. It goes on
to tell you that great photos need to start with a great
camera and then it promises to show you how to buy one.
The reader is left in no doubt as to what they will find
Compare this with:
"If you're finding your photos aren't very good you might
consider buying a better camera".
You see the difference?
The first one reaches out and announces itself…you
immediately know what to expect. This is an article on
"Taking Great Photos".
The second one tells the same story but it waffles and the
story is buried; you're three-quarters of the way along the
first line before you find out what it's about.
If you follow just this one principle you find a great
improvement in the traffic to your articles.
Visit a few of the article directories and look at their
"most read articles" page for some more ideas. There's a
striking difference in the directness and clarity of these
titles versus articles in general.
Would you like to learn the secrets to start and run a Successful Online Business?
I have just completed a new book called "How to use the Secret Magic of Article Writing to Start and run A Successful Online Business”.
You can Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"
You may also like to read my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.
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