When it comes to building a Network Marketing or MLM business people seem to naturally choose one of two approaches to build their downline according to personal preference and how they were first introduced to their opportunity.
There are two basic lines of attack as far as I can see:
1. Prospect with the business opportunity.
2. Prospect with the product.
Each of these has its own advantage and I used to be 100% focused on prospecting with the opportunity because I felt better about that. Recently I've begun prospecting with the product and I'm amazed at how easy it is. I use a combination of 100% internet, telephone cold calls plus sending them to a capture page on the internet, emails, phone or face to face with friends and associates then send them to a capture page and I also pass out business cards and flyers to strangers with my capture page URL attached.
The capture page offers a "Free Book"… in my case a book on a weight loss system.
Weight Loss is huge and I decided to grab a piece of it. The market is estimated at $50 billion per year. You will find that dieting and weight loss are the biggest searched items on the web after pornography and online dating.
Once they log into my webpage, give their contact information and get their free book my autoresponder then sends them a pre-written automated series of emails explaining in detail how the weight loss system works and how they can get their product for free by joining my MLM team and duplicating my system.
And then I show them how they can get started on building a huge business of their own
I supply all the books, emails and web copy so it's pretty much a turkey operation.
If you want really fast growth then the secret here is to be marketing a product that truly does deliver on its promises and is in a hot market with high demand. Your customers will purchase your product, use it and get the result they desire and be motivated customers for life. They will refer your product to others because of their own successful experience and they will join your business to make money from their referrals.
This process really does work and the approach is pretty much rejection free.
If you write articles on your product category and include a link to your book you will get a flow of prospects from the internet.
Click my link below if you want to learn more about this. You'll find my email in the book. Just shoot me an email and I'll send you my weight loss book if you want to see what a free product related book looks like.
If you would like to learn more about how I do it and how you can build your own MLM Business Online then I have just completed a new book: "The Perfect Online MLM Business".
You can download it FREE here: " The Perfect Online MLM Business "
Jim Keayes is an expert Internet and Network Marketer with many years of successful experience. He has a lifetime involvement in healthy living and nutrition. He coaches worldwide.
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