Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Online MLM - Writing Articles to build your Online Business

The best way I know to build your business faster is to
expose more people to your business in less time...use the
internet to leverage your efforts.

Instead of showing your marketing plan to interested
prospects in a meeting or a one on one presentation you
direct them to your website to view a professional
presentation online, usually created for you by your MLM
company or one of your upline leaders.

There are countless ways of getting prospects to your
website. You can put flyers in mail boxes in your
neighbourhood, place notices on bulletin
boards, use Pay-per-click advertising, post comments in
chat rooms etc.

But the single most effective way that is almost cost free
is to write articles and post them at article directories.

If you can’t write, can you learn how? Are you willing to
try?...even just a little bit.

If not then Pay-Per Click or chat rooms may be the best way
for you to go.

Article writing works because the visitor is actively
seeking your information. They were searching for it on the
web. Article directories have a very high page ranking on
the search engines. People searching will more easily find
your articles on an article directory site versus you trying
to get visibility with your own web site.

As you get more and more articles published you will begin
to build a list of interested prospects. You must have a
website and at a minimum a sales page with opt-in box and an
autoresponder. You now need to win their trust--you give
them value via free books and content.

You market affiliate products in your niche and you create
"how to" books of your own to market on your site...books
that will inform your visitor.

From your early sales of affiliate products and your own
books will come the initial funds to finance your marketing
efforts. This is how you can generate your marketing

You will now be able to stay in the game until the
exponential growth of a flourishing MLM business kicks in
and the real money truly begins to flow.

Go to :
to get my Free Book: "3 Surefire Ways to make money online"
Visit my website: to learn more.

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