Thursday, June 21, 2007

Critical Steps to Online Success-Your first "For Sale" item will most likely be an affiliate product

It's easiest to start your online campaign with an
affiliate product.

You just sign up, put the link in an email and everything
else is taken care of for you
--particularly if you work
through an Affiliate Directory. You don't need to create
the product, make it professional, get it on your website,
set up a "shopping cart" to collect payments etc. etc.

To find out "Step by Step" how to get set up as an
affiliate, see my article:

"Critical Steps to Online Success--Step by Step Plan--How
to Find and Register for Affiliate Programs By Jim Keayes"

Just Google the title and you'll find it no problem.

When you first start online you will be confused if you're
anything like I was. All that new terminology: SEO ranking,
webpage optimization, click through rate, conversion ratio
and on and on. So you have a lot of planning to do.

Finding an affiliate program to market will get you
started faster.

Here's a real life example. You can market this program too.

In the interests of total disclosure I want you to know
upfront that I am an affiliate for this product, but that's
what this is all about after all. Have a look…it will give
you an idea of how this affiliate thing all works.

Your offering email might go like this:

Here's a superb "How To" manual on Affiliate Marketing:

Rosalind Gardner's "Super Affiliate Handbook"

Just copy and paste the link above into your browser and
it will take you to the Super Affiliate Information Page.

As you can see, setting up to market a product as an
affiliate is really pretty simple.

Keep on Winning



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