Thursday, June 21, 2007

Online Success: How to be really successful Online-use Article Writing to build your list

The great underground secret the pros don't tell you about
article writing is this…you have to be prolific.
That's a
big word for so early in the day…so let's say it another
way: write lots of articles!

How many articles is lots?

Let me tell you a story
about a young man who has had what
I consider amazing success online.

Why is his success amazing?

I'll tell you. Because it's BELIEVABLE!

He didn't just wake up one morning, join a program he
stumbled across on Traffic Swarm and become wealthy
overnight without lifting a finger.
These programs really
offend me if you don't mind me having a rant here for a
moment. A very small number of people get wealthy by luck,
some get wealthy by inheritance (probably the biggest
number)…but most of us have to work at it. And that's why
not many people actually get rich. It's a part of the human
condition to be lazy. So if you're lazy you probably will
never be wealthy.

Just a quick word on laziness. Sometimes laziness is just
a symptom of not knowing exactly what we want.

See my article:

"Motivation That Inspires - How Your Goals Will Put You On
Auto-Pilot To Success" By Jim Keayes

So what did my friend do?

He chose a niche and started to write articles…not just
one or two articles either. Some days he wrote 10 or 20.
And he submitted his articles to only 5 or 6 of the big
Article Directories. In his first month he had over 200
leads come in and he earned a little over $100…and it grew
from there.

Today, a year into his program he has written over 1000
articles and is earning over $10,000 per month
and growing.
He has over 10 personally written "how-to" products that he
is marketing and his ideas are expanding every day.

This is exponential growth and I am impressed!

Why am I impressed? Because I can believe that we can do
it too.
It's realistic. It's steady growth…the payoff for
focused commitment to his goal. He's just an ordinary guy
like you and me who has decided to do extraordinary things.

Now…it's not as hard as it seems. My friend wanted to get
off to a fast start when he was writing 10 or 20 articles a
day because he knew that quantity was important. But you
don't need to do this many.

If you combine your article writing with Pay-per-click you
could probably get away with one article per day.

Three articles per day will get you to the level of over a
thousand articles published by the end of one year.
If you
publish in 6 article directories that's over 6000 web pages
devoted to "your articles".

But that's not all. Your articles will begin to be picked
up by Ezines and Newsletters and published by them because
they are always in need of content. And their readers will
publish your articles in their publications and attribute
them to you.

And it just grows and grows! The growth becomes
exponential. The online industry calls it "going viral".

Today when you Google my friends name you get over 150,000
hits. A year ago he was unknown!

As you get more practiced you will find you are writing
your articles faster and can complete each article in 15 to
30 minutes.
Let's say it takes you 2 hours for the 3
articles to be fair and another hour to post them to the

That's still only 3 hours per day!

Would you be willing to do that for a shot at $100,000 per
year within 12 months from now?

Keep on Winning

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