Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Critical Steps to Online Success- How do you actually create "leverage" in an Online Business?

"How can I afford employees? I'm just a One-Woman Show--I just got started."

Doesn't matter! We have to find a way to multiply our
efforts if we're going to succeed big time in any business.
Technology can help us do that. But sometimes we don't see
the potential unless someone points it out to us.

For instance how could "writing an article" multiply our

When I first understood this principle I was amazed…it's
such a perfect concept.

We write an article and post it to an Article Directory
and our Blog. Say it takes an hour to get all that done
(less as you get practiced). And that's all we do.

But that one article gets multiplied over and over. Say
only 100 people read your original posting over a two month
time period. A newsletter writers need content for their
letter. They pick up your article and post it on their site
and send it out in their publication to 5000 people on
their list. Now 5100 people are reading your one article.
The posting of your article on the new site gets indexed in
the search engines and you have another presence on the
web. Others pick it up and it grows and grows.

You "ping" your blog. With the click of a mouse you advise
20 to 100 RSS feeders that there's a new posting on your
blog. It hits the "RSS feed readers" of thousands of blog
readers, some of them read your article and either use it
in their publication or pass it on.

One click of the mouse and you've made all that
happen…that's leverage.

So what have we got? You wrote one article and posted it
to one article directory and to your Blog and you "pinged"
your Blog once.

You worked for one hour and now thousands of people from
all around the world are potentially reading your article.
Some of them will click your link and join your email list.

Do you need to do anything yet?

No, just sit back, or continue sleeping or sunbathing or
whatever you need to do. It's all being handled in the

Because we can leverage again by using an autoresponder to
build our list.

Your autoresponder is always on the job waiting for
something to do-the perfect employee. Your autoresponder
will add the new person to your list and label them
correctly. It will send them your sequence of pre-written
emails welcoming them, educating them and eventually
offering them a product for purchase that could be
appropriate for their use.

That's leverage in action!

Learn the "3 Surefire Ways to make Money Online"

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people
to be successful online.

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